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10 pasos para atraer al candidato ideal

Encontrar al candidato ideal, que se adapte perfectamente a las necesidades de tu empresa y los requerimientos de cada rol no es tarea sencilla, implica un proceso que puede tomar entre 30 y 45 días con mucha investigación, estrategias de reclutamiento, filtro de perfiles, revisión de aplicaciones y agendamiento de entrevistas con aquellos que estén más alineados.

Sabemos que el reclutamiento de talento es un elemento clave para el éxito de las empresas, para ello, te brindaremos los pasos esenciales que necesitarás para cubrir vacantes de una forma más efectiva y así lograr un proceso exitoso.

Conoce los 10 pasos para atraer al candidato ideal:

1. Define el perfil soñado de tu candidato

Analiza qué habilidades, estudios y aptitudes tienen tus mejores empleados actuales y en función de eso, establece qué tipo de perfiles necesitarías reclutar para la empresa en torno a las vacantes que debes cubrir.

2. Planifica el proceso de reclutamiento

Establece tiempos, recursos, responsables, tareas y procedimientos a llevar a cabo. Para ello, te recomendamos utilizar herramientas de manejo de proyectos como Trello, Monday, Click Up, Asana, Google Calendar u otras plataformas que te permitan organizarlo como un proyecto y hacer seguimiento en tiempo real.

3. Determina canales y estrategia de promoción

Analiza los canales más efectivos para atraer postulantes, si es por redes sociales, portales de empleo o página web de la empresa. Adicionalmente, crea una estrategia de comunicación y employer branding para mostrar la experiencia de los empleados actuales de la compañía en los canales digitales de la empresa.

4. Crea una descripción de la vacante relevante

Describe las habilidades necesarias para postularse, el alcance de funciones, remuneración, modalidad de empleo y cultura empresarial. Puedes tomar como referencia las dudas que suelen tener los postulantes en otros procesos y plasmarlo brevemente en la descripción.

5. Organiza la base de datos de los postulantes

Registra, ordena y clasifica los candidatos según el rol al cual aplicaron. Incluso puedes crear subcategorías en función de sus capacidades, habilidades, idiomas, estudios u otros aspectos que consideres necesarios. 

6. Aplica pruebas o entrevistas acorde al perfil

Es recomendable que estas pruebas o preguntas de la entrevista puedan ser adaptadas al nivel profesional que deseas obtener para tus vacantes y realizarlas en sinergia con cada departamento de la empresa. 

7. Preselecciona y filtra los candidatos

Detecta cuáles son los perfiles que más se alineen a lo que buscas y comienza a agruparlos. Este trabajo lo puedes hacer manual o de manera automatizada con tecnología en Coally; te brindamos un ranking de candidatos según su match con la empresa, motivación y habilidades para el rol que buscas.

8. Toma la decisión más acertada

Conversa con tu equipo para garantizar que los perfiles de los candidatos cubran las necesidades de la empresa, especialmente consulta con aquellos que serían los líderes directos de dichos postulantes.

9. Apóyate en herramientas tecnológicas

La tecnología será tu mejor aliada para agilizar procesos de atracción y selección, ya que ayuda a las empresas a destacarse en un mercado laboral altamente competitivo para obtener los mejores candidatos.

10. Contrata a tu candidato

¡Ahora sí! Es momento de iniciar el proceso de contratación de los perfiles que necesitas para tus vacantes. Para ello, puedes crear una plantilla de correo para notificar a los candidatos que sí obtuvieron el rol y también brindar feedback a quienes no pasaron el proceso.

¿Buscas reclutar de manera más rápida y efectiva?

Según estadísticas de Recursos Humanos, +76% de los reclutadores cree que la Inteligencia Artificial será una herramienta fundamental en los próximos años.

En Coally, podrás reducir tus tiempos de reclutamiento y selección con Inteligencia Artificial, así como obtener garantías en reclutamiento de jóvenes profesionales que estén alineados a tus necesidades en menos de 3 días, tomando en cuenta sus habilidades, estudios, motivación y fit con tu empresa.

Registra tus vacantes de manera gratuita en coally y accede a candidatos recién egresados o con hasta 3 años de experiencia, también te asignaremos un manager de Recursos Humanos que te brindará el acompañamiento necesario durante tu experiencia reclutando en la plataforma.

¡Encuentra a tu candidato ideal con coally!

[hubspot type="form" portal="8801550" id="2e583e0c-adae-4efe-b9e2-5beae80dc8f1"]

How Savvy Investors With $500,000+ Build Their Retirement Plan

I Am So Happy, My Dear Friend, So Absorbed In The Exquisite Sense Of Mere Tranquil Existence,

That I Neglect My Talents. I Should Be Incapable Of Drawing A Single Stroke At The Present Moment; And Yet I Feel That I Never Was A Greater Artist Than Now.

When, While The Lovely Valley Teems With Vapor Around Me

Hitting newsstands in the June 2019 issue, and as part of a prominent feature, the list is the result of a wide-ranging and comprehensive measurement of private American companies that have created exceptional workplaces through vibrant cultures, deep employee engagement, and stellar benefits. The publication singled out 346 finalists after collecting data on nearly 2,000 submissions.

“Since day one, AgBiome has operated with a unique, non-hierarchical management system with no fixed reporting structure. The company is instead run by committees of passionately committed employees,” explained Elizabeth Claypoole, Chief People Officer, AgBiome. “This award is a testament to how AgBiome’s unique structure not only enables us to attract and retain better scientific talent, which is critical to our mission, but also allows us to make decisions faster and innovate better. This certainly differentiates us from our larger, more bureaucratic competitors.”

Each nominated company took part in an employee survey, conducted by Omaha’s Quantum Workplace, on topics including trust, management effectiveness, perks, and confidence in the future. Inc. then gathered, analyzed, and audited the data. Then the publication ranked all the employers using a composite score of survey results. This year, 74.2 percent of surveyed employees were engaged by their work—besting last year’s score of 72.1 percent.

The strongest engagement scores came from companies that prioritize the most human elements of work. These companies are leading the way in employee recognition, performance management, and diversity.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

  • 99 percent provide health insurance—and some cover the cost.
  • 49 percent allow employees to bring pets to work.
  • 65 percent take employees to offsite retreats to relax and recharge.
  • 16 percent offer paid sabbaticals to reward length of service.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

AgBiome discovers and develops innovative biological and trait products for crop protection. Our proprietary Genesis™ discovery platform allows us to efficiently capture and screen the most diverse and unique microbial collection for agriculturally relevant applications, coupled to industry-best screens for insect, disease and nematode control. Through its commercial subsidiary, AgBiome Innovations, Inc., the company develops and sells proprietary crop protection solutions. The first of these, Howler™, is a revolutionary biological fungicide for disease control in a broad variety of specialty crops. LifeEDIT, an AgBiome subsidiary, deploys proprietary genome editing systems to address human genetic diseases and high value crop traits.


Amazon gets CCI nod to acquire 49% stake in nod to acquire stake in nod

When, While The Lovely Valley Teems With Vapor Around Me, And The Meridian Sun Strikes

The Upper Surface Of The Impenetrable Foliage Of My Trees, And But A Few Stray Gleams Steal Into The Inner Sanctuary, I Throw Myself Down Among The Tall Grass By The Trickling Stream; And, As I Lie Close To The Earth, A Thousand Unknown Plants Are Noticed By Me: When I Hear The Buzz Of The Little World Among The Stalks, And Grow Familiar With The Countless Indescribable Forms Of The Insects And Flies, Then I Feel The Presence Of The Almighty, 

Who Formed Us In His Own Image, And The Breath

Hitting newsstands in the June 2019 issue, and as part of a prominent feature, the list is the result of a wide-ranging and comprehensive measurement of private American companies that have created exceptional workplaces through vibrant cultures, deep employee engagement, and stellar benefits. The publication singled out 346 finalists after collecting data on nearly 2,000 submissions.

“Since day one, AgBiome has operated with a unique, non-hierarchical management system with no fixed reporting structure. The company is instead run by committees of passionately committed employees,” explained Elizabeth Claypoole, Chief People Officer, AgBiome. “This award is a testament to how AgBiome’s unique structure not only enables us to attract and retain better scientific talent, which is critical to our mission, but also allows us to make decisions faster and innovate better. This certainly differentiates us from our larger, more bureaucratic competitors.”

Each nominated company took part in an employee survey, conducted by Omaha’s Quantum Workplace, on topics including trust, management effectiveness, perks, and confidence in the future. Inc. then gathered, analyzed, and audited the data. Then the publication ranked all the employers using a composite score of survey results. This year, 74.2 percent of surveyed employees were engaged by their work—besting last year’s score of 72.1 percent.

The strongest engagement scores came from companies that prioritize the most human elements of work. These companies are leading the way in employee recognition, performance management, and diversity.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

  • 99 percent provide health insurance—and some cover the cost.
  • 49 percent allow employees to bring pets to work.
  • 65 percent take employees to offsite retreats to relax and recharge.
  • 16 percent offer paid sabbaticals to reward length of service.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

AgBiome discovers and develops innovative biological and trait products for crop

protection. Our proprietary Genesis™ discovery platform allows us to efficiently capture and screen the most diverse and unique microbial collection for agriculturally relevant applications, coupled to industry-best screens for insect, disease and nematode control. Through its commercial subsidiary, AgBiome Innovations, Inc., the company develops and sells proprietary crop protection solutions. The first of these, Howler™, is a revolutionary biological fungicide for disease control in a broad variety of specialty crops. LifeEDIT, an AgBiome subsidiary, deploys proprietary genome editing systems to address human genetic diseases and high value crop traits.


Monet and Architecture, review: familiar paintings and Architecture

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt

 Vitae et leo duis ut diam quam nulla porttitor massa. Vitae auctor eu augue ut. Amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu. Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor. Eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec. Sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum. 

Felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae auctor eu.

Pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in. Sed elementum tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium quam vulputate. Eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus. Lectus mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt.

“Since day one, AgBiome has operated with a unique, non-hierarchical management system with no fixed reporting structure. The company is instead run by committees of passionately committed employees,” explained Elizabeth Claypoole, Chief People Officer, AgBiome. “This award is a testament to how AgBiome’s unique structure not only enables us to attract and retain better scientific talent, which is critical to our mission, but also allows us to make decisions faster and innovate better. This certainly differentiates us from our larger, more bureaucratic competitors.”

Each nominated company took part in an employee survey, conducted by Omaha’s Quantum Workplace, on topics including trust, management effectiveness, perks, and confidence in the future. Inc. then gathered, analyzed, and audited the data. Then the publication ranked all the employers using a composite score of survey results. This year, 74.2 percent of surveyed employees were engaged by their work—besting last year’s score of 72.1 percent.

The strongest engagement scores came from companies that prioritize the most human elements of work. These companies are leading the way in employee recognition, performance management, and diversity.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

  • 99 percent provide health insurance—and some cover the cost.
  • 49 percent allow employees to bring pets to work.
  • 65 percent take employees to offsite retreats to relax and recharge.
  • 16 percent offer paid sabbaticals to reward length of service.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

AgBiome discovers and develops innovative biological and trait products for crop protection. Our proprietary Genesis™ discovery platform allows us to efficiently capture and screen the most diverse and unique microbial collection for agriculturally relevant applications, coupled to industry-best screens for insect, disease and nematode control. Through its commercial subsidiary, AgBiome Innovations, Inc., the company develops and sells proprietary crop protection solutions. The first of these, Howler™, is a revolutionary biological fungicide for disease control in a broad variety of specialty crops. LifeEDIT, an AgBiome subsidiary, deploys proprietary genome editing systems to address human genetic diseases and high value crop traits.


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The article below is taken from SaaS PHLOX. To order your free copy, click here. If you’re a SaaS provider

I accepted all of the alt-right maxims I saw as a Reddit moderator, despite my Jewish upbringing in a liberal household with a tight-knit family that taught me compassion, empathy, and respect for others.Now, I’m 16, and I’ve been able to reflect on how I got sucked into that void—and how others do, too. My brief infatuation with the alt-right has helped.

My own transformation started when I switched into a new school in the middle of eighth grade

But unlike others, I found that validation on the alt-right corners of the internet. The alt-right and the tech platforms that enable it became the community.A few weeks after I started going to my new school, I noticed that a bunch of the guys in my class were browsing a website called Reddit. I didn’t understand what the site was or how it worked, but I was desperate to fit in and make a mark in my new environment.

“Since day one, AgBiome has operated with a unique, non-hierarchical management system with no fixed reporting structure. The company is instead run by committees of passionately committed employees,” explained Elizabeth Claypoole, Chief People Officer, AgBiome. “This award is a testament to how AgBiome’s unique structure not only enables us to attract and retain better scientific talent, which is critical to our mission, but also allows us to make decisions faster and innovate better. This certainly differentiates us from our larger, more bureaucratic competitors.”

Each nominated company took part in an employee survey, conducted by Omaha’s Quantum Workplace, on topics including trust, management effectiveness, perks, and confidence in the future. Inc. then gathered, analyzed, and audited the data. Then the publication ranked all the employers using a composite score of survey results. This year, 74.2 percent of surveyed employees were engaged by their work—besting last year’s score of 72.1 percent.

The strongest engagement scores came from companies that prioritize the most human elements of work. These companies are leading the way in employee recognition, performance management, and diversity.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

  • 99 percent provide health insurance—and some cover the cost.
  • 49 percent allow employees to bring pets to work.
  • 65 percent take employees to offsite retreats to relax and recharge.
  • 16 percent offer paid sabbaticals to reward length of service.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

AgBiome discovers and develops innovative biological and trait products for crop protection. Our proprietary Genesis™ discovery platform allows us to efficiently capture and screen the most diverse and unique microbial collection for agriculturally relevant applications, coupled to industry-best screens for insect, disease and nematode control. Through its commercial subsidiary, AgBiome Innovations, Inc., the company develops and sells proprietary crop protection solutions. The first of these, Howler™, is a revolutionary biological fungicide for disease control in a broad variety of specialty crops. LifeEDIT, an AgBiome subsidiary, deploys proprietary genome editing systems to address human genetic diseases and high value crop traits.


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I went up to one of those guys during study hall and asked how to use Reddit.

He helped me set up an account and subscribe to “subreddits,” or mini communities within the Reddit domain. I spent the rest of that period scrolling through Reddit and selecting the communities I wanted to join.

That doesn’t mean this is a game show. We’re not holding open auditions like

it’s a reality competition. We’ll be vetting for skills, perspectives, and experiences that complement the decades of experience that our team already brings to bear.

But just the mere act of letting the world know we want to include more candidates in the process has connected us with a significant number of extremely talented and experienced people—many of whom had never considered participating in a startup at this level before.

“Since day one, AgBiome has operated with a unique, non-hierarchical management system with no fixed reporting structure. The company is instead run by committees of passionately committed employees,” explained Elizabeth Claypoole, Chief People Officer, AgBiome. “This award is a testament to how AgBiome’s unique structure not only enables us to attract and retain better scientific talent, which is critical to our mission, but also allows us to make decisions faster and innovate better. This certainly differentiates us from our larger, more bureaucratic competitors.”

Each nominated company took part in an employee survey, conducted by Omaha’s Quantum Workplace, on topics including trust, management effectiveness, perks, and confidence in the future. Inc. then gathered, analyzed, and audited the data. Then the publication ranked all the employers using a composite score of survey results. This year, 74.2 percent of surveyed employees were engaged by their work—besting last year’s score of 72.1 percent.

The strongest engagement scores came from companies that prioritize the most human elements of work. These companies are leading the way in employee recognition, performance management, and diversity.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

  • 99 percent provide health insurance—and some cover the cost.
  • 49 percent allow employees to bring pets to work.
  • 65 percent take employees to offsite retreats to relax and recharge.
  • 16 percent offer paid sabbaticals to reward length of service.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

AgBiome discovers and develops innovative biological and trait products for crop protection. Our proprietary Genesis™ discovery platform allows us to efficiently capture and screen the most diverse and unique microbial collection for agriculturally relevant applications, coupled to industry-best screens for insect, disease and nematode control. Through its commercial subsidiary, AgBiome Innovations, Inc., the company develops and sells proprietary crop protection solutions. The first of these, Howler™, is a revolutionary biological fungicide for disease control in a broad variety of specialty crops. LifeEDIT, an AgBiome subsidiary, deploys proprietary genome editing systems to address human genetic diseases and high value crop traits.


Happy Healthy Dogs – From Adoption to Donations & All Things in Between

Company attracts and retains top scientific talent with its unique corporate structure, vibrant culture

Research Triangle Park, NC – May 16, 2019 – AgBiome, the private company harnessing the plant microbiome for novel agricultural pest solutions, announced today the company was named one of Inc. magazine’s Best Workplaces for 2019, the publication’s fourth annual ranking in the thriving private company sector.

AgBiome was given the same recognition by the magazine in 2018.

Hitting newsstands in the June 2019 issue, and as part of a prominent feature, the list is the result of a wide-ranging and comprehensive measurement of private American companies that have created exceptional workplaces through vibrant cultures, deep employee engagement, and stellar benefits. The publication singled out 346 finalists after collecting data on nearly 2,000 submissions.

“Since day one, AgBiome has operated with a unique, non-hierarchical management system with no fixed reporting structure. The company is instead run by committees of passionately committed employees,” explained Elizabeth Claypoole, Chief People Officer, AgBiome. “This award is a testament to how AgBiome’s unique structure not only enables us to attract and retain better scientific talent, which is critical to our mission, but also allows us to make decisions faster and innovate better. This certainly differentiates us from our larger, more bureaucratic competitors.”

Each nominated company took part in an employee survey, conducted by Omaha’s Quantum Workplace, on topics including trust, management effectiveness, perks, and confidence in the future. Inc. then gathered, analyzed, and audited the data. Then the publication ranked all the employers using a composite score of survey results. This year, 74.2 percent of surveyed employees were engaged by their work—besting last year’s score of 72.1 percent.

The strongest engagement scores came from companies that prioritize the most human elements of work. These companies are leading the way in employee recognition, performance management, and diversity.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

  • 99 percent provide health insurance—and some cover the cost.
  • 49 percent allow employees to bring pets to work.
  • 65 percent take employees to offsite retreats to relax and recharge.
  • 16 percent offer paid sabbaticals to reward length of service.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

AgBiome discovers and develops innovative biological and trait products for crop protection. Our proprietary Genesis™ discovery platform allows us to efficiently capture and screen the most diverse and unique microbial collection for agriculturally relevant applications, coupled to industry-best screens for insect, disease and nematode control. Through its commercial subsidiary, AgBiome Innovations, Inc., the company develops and sells proprietary crop protection solutions. The first of these, Howler™, is a revolutionary biological fungicide for disease control in a broad variety of specialty crops. LifeEDIT, an AgBiome subsidiary, deploys proprietary genome editing systems to address human genetic diseases and high value crop traits.


Google fondea 100.000 USD en Coally para reducir el desempleo juvenil

El equipo de Coally está orgulloso y honrado de comunicarles que Google le apuesta al futuro del empleo joven. Recibimos un fondeo de 100.000 USD a través de su Latin Founders Fund.  

En Latinoamérica, muchos de nosotros los jóvenes no contamos con suficientes oportunidades de empleo. En promedio, nuestra tasa de desempleo es mayor a 20%. Cabe destacar que en los procesos de selección debemos tener años de experiencia para posiciones “junior”, lo cual nos pone en desventaja respecto a otros profesionales. Por ende, es difícil diferenciarnos de nuestros pares y aún al ser seleccionados, nuestros primeros días laborales están marcados por el estrés de tareas iniciales para las que necesitamos direccionamiento.

En Coally, buscamos solucionar todos estos problemas al generar oportunidades de trabajo, construir experiencia profesional y así cambiar para siempre el paradigma de contratación que perjudica a quienes ingresan al mercado laboral. Lo hacemos con nuestra plataforma que visibiliza al joven con oportunidades laborales en diferentes modalidades: por contrato, tiempo completo y otros. 

También cambiamos la lógica en el proceso de selección; que hoy se centra en experiencia profesional, por una basada en motivación, experiencia académica y alineación con los objetivos de la empresa, todo esto usando inteligencia artificial. Además, entendemos que la entrada al mercado profesional no termina con la contratación, así que creamos un sistema en el que nuestros profesionales senior ayudan a juniors con instrucciones prácticas durante esos primeros días.  

Para lograr alcanzar nuestra meta, Google apoya a fundadores latinos como nosotros, Daniel y Andrés, quienes experimentamos este problema y decidimos trabajar por solucionarlo a través del emprendimiento social. Google cree que esto conducirá a mayores oportunidades económicas y de equidad racial, le apuestan al crecimiento de startups fundadas por latinos que presenten alternativas innovadoras a problemas sociales, como lo es el desempleo juvenil, con soluciones que generen impacto y riqueza para nuestras comunidades.

Este es el primer paso de muchos, vamos a cambiar la forma como ven las empresas a los jovenes talentosos recién egresados, para ello, trabajamos en subir la apuesta y avanzar en la captura de 500,000 USD para continuar con nuestra misión: reducir la tasa de desempleo juvenil en Colombia y Latinoamérica

Los invitamos a sumarse a nosotros para seguir generando impacto y posibilidades de crecimiento, ya sea como jóvenes profesionales, empresas o inversionistas, y así ayudarnos a democratizar el futuro del empleo para los jóvenes de comunidades latinas.


Happy Healthy Dogs – From Adoption to Donations & All Things in Between

When, While The Lovely Valley Teems With Vapor Around Me, And The Meridian Sun Strikes The

But A Few Stray Gleams Steal Into The Inner Sanctuary, I Throw Myself Down Among The Tall Grass By The Trickling Stream; And, As I Lie Close To The Earth, A Thousand Unknown Plants Are Noticed By Me: When I Hear The Buzz Of The Little World Among The Stalks, And Grow Familiar With The Countless Indescribable Forms Of The Insects And Flies

O My Friend — But It Is Too Much For My Strength— I Sink Under The Weight Of

Hitting newsstands in the June 2019 issue, and as part of a prominent feature, the list is the result of a wide-ranging and comprehensive measurement of private American companies that have created exceptional workplaces through vibrant cultures, deep employee engagement, and stellar benefits. The publication singled out 346 finalists after collecting data on nearly 2,000 submissions.

“Since day one, AgBiome has operated with a unique, non-hierarchical management system with no fixed reporting structure. The company is instead run by committees of passionately committed employees,” explained Elizabeth Claypoole, Chief People Officer, AgBiome. “This award is a testament to how AgBiome’s unique structure not only enables us to attract and retain better scientific talent, which is critical to our mission, but also allows us to make decisions faster and innovate better. This certainly differentiates us from our larger, more bureaucratic competitors.”

Each nominated company took part in an employee survey, conducted by Omaha’s Quantum Workplace, on topics including trust, management effectiveness, perks, and confidence in the future. Inc. then gathered, analyzed, and audited the data. Then the publication ranked all the employers using a composite score of survey results. This year, 74.2 percent of surveyed employees were engaged by their work—besting last year’s score of 72.1 percent.

The strongest engagement scores came from companies that prioritize the most human elements of work. These companies are leading the way in employee recognition, performance management, and diversity.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

  • 99 percent provide health insurance—and some cover the cost.
  • 49 percent allow employees to bring pets to work.
  • 65 percent take employees to offsite retreats to relax and recharge.
  • 16 percent offer paid sabbaticals to reward length of service.

While researching the finalists, Inc. and Quantum saw distinct themes:

AgBiome discovers and develops innovative biological and trait products for crop protection. Our proprietary Genesis™ discovery platform allows us to efficiently capture and screen the most diverse and unique microbial collection for agriculturally relevant applications, coupled to industry-best screens for insect, disease and nematode control. Through its commercial subsidiary, AgBiome Innovations, Inc., the company develops and sells proprietary crop protection solutions. The first of these, Howler™, is a revolutionary biological fungicide for disease control in a broad variety of specialty crops. LifeEDIT, an AgBiome subsidiary, deploys proprietary genome editing systems to address human genetic diseases and high value crop traits.


¿Cuál es el futuro de la industria retail? 10 Tendencias para e-commerce

El sector retail está creciendo de manera exponencial en Colombia y el resto del mundo. Este proceso se ha visto influenciado por la agilización en la inmersión de las ventas en los canales digitales; respecto a Colombia, se prevé que el crecimiento del comercio electrónico represente más de 74%.

Adicionalmente, los consumidores actuales ya no suelen tener el patrón tradicional como receptores, en la actualidad interactúan directamente con las marcas, demandan autenticidad, innovación y experiencias que les brinden valor. A partir de estas consideraciones, es probable que se comiencen a implementar cambios y mejoras en los procesos de compra de los consumidores por medio de e-commerce o tiendas online. 

Se esperan estas principales tendencias para ecommerce en un futuro no muy lejano, incluso algunas de ellas se aplican en la actualidad:

Compras inteligentes y predictivas:

Con el uso de Inteligencia Artificial (IA), se implementarán procesos dentro del e-commerce que permitan predecir los comportamientos de compra de un potencial consumidor en función su interacción. También facilitará la gestión de inventario y surtido de los negocios.

Evolución del chatbot 

Esta es una solución de automatización de atención al cliente que ya se implementa en diferentes páginas de e-commerce, no obstante seguirá evolucionando hasta brindar una experiencia más personalizada a cada usuario en particular, ampliando las posibilidades en la gestión automática de respuestas.

Retail 180°

Consiste en la integración de la tienda física con la online a través de la detección de visitantes por medio de Wi-Fi, se podrá perfilar a los clientes potenciales para generar ofertas segmentadas, gestionar campañas segmentadas y conocer los intereses de dichos compradores.

Personalización de experiencia

Con base en el comportamiento e interacciones en los canales digitales del e-commerce, se brindará una experiencia individualizada a cada visitante, es decir, se le mostrarán únicamente los productos o servicios que podrían interesarle al usuario con ofertas especiales y únicas.Esto también aplica para el empaque de los productos.


Este factor es cada vez más relevante en el proceso de toma de decisión, especialmente en las generaciones más jóvenes. Para ello, será importante tener información sobre el impacto social y ambiental de los procesos de envío, empaque o del producto que se ofrece. No obstante, este factor depende directamente del público objetivo de cada negocio.

Realidad Aumentada

Según las predicciones de ABI Research, para 2022 más de 120.000 tiendas online utilizarán la realidad aumentada en sus compras. La implementación de soluciones tecnológicas de este estilo facilitarán la reducción de dudas u objeciones en la toma de decisión de los usuarios.

Experiencia Omnicanal

No es suficiente con tener una página web y pasarelas de pago, ya que las audiencias ya buscan interactuar con la marca por diferentes redes sociales o aclarar dudas por medio de Whatsapp Business; todos estos canales deben estar interconectados para brindar una experiencia de compra satisfactoria para los usuarios.

Pago con Criptomonedas

Ya será más que necesario proveer diversos métodos y facilidades de pago según las preferencias de los usuarios, ya que esta suele ser una de las causas más frecuentes del abandono de carritos. 

Mobile e-commerce

Consiste en gestionar la compra a través de dispositivos como tablets o celulares. Para lograrlo, es necesario que tu e-commerce cuente con diseño responsivo, es decir, adaptar la compatibilidad en la visualización del diseño de manera automática a diferentes tipos de móviles.

Productos 360°

Una de las razones por las cuales muchas personas prefieren adquirir ciertos artículos de manera directa en un establecimiento físico es porque no pueden ver con detalle el material ni las dimensiones del mismo. Una de las alternativas que han surgido para resolverlo son las fotografías de 360 grados, que permiten ver el producto desde todos los ángulos.

Todas estas tendencias forman parte de la innovación que comenzará a experimentar el sector retail, especialmente si son tiendas que cuentan con un comercio electrónico. Algunas de estas tácticas ya comenzaron a implementarse y sin duda tienen un impacto relevante en el proceso de toma de decisiones del consumidor, el crecimiento en ventas y el posicionamiento de una marca de retail en el mercado.
