Finding a job that makes sense as easy as to get an uber
Get a job tailored to your goals with just one click.
We work with the best ranked companies to work for.
How does it work?
Some of our impact
Users that have found their career path
Institutions across US & Latin America
More meaningful offers
<1 month
In finding a reputable job.
8.5/ 10
Market knowledge and job hunting by candidates.
The future of employment is now
Coally vs other College platforms
Product Comparison Table
ElementCoallyOther platforms
Integration with university systems + 30 < 10
The algorithm extracts more opportunities from multiple platforms and companies + 20k < 3k
AI personalizes education to fit career goalsX
AI and WhatsApp send personalized notificationsX
Hiring process time (months)< 12 to 4
Number of candidates~150K~1M
General candidate experience (before/after)8.5/105/10


Stop wasting time applying to multiple platforms.
One at a time.
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